Getting Lost and Getting To Vienna


We had an address to stay for Tuesday night east of Prague, all arranged and everything. We found out later at 1am that there was another town under the same name about 2 hours drive back away from Vienna. We’d also left a little late so couldn’t really look for a house in the pitch black dark. Weirdest thing was that parts of the directions we had received to get to the house we right!? Left at the church, left bend up a small hill, right turn and past the telephone cell. We lost it there because we couldn’t find (or see anything in the dark). Did find a house that did kind of look like the one we need to get to, and it had the same number but a huge dog came running up towards Martijn and I when we started opening the gate….. Eventually at the local (closed) bar we found out we were in the wrong town. We just said fuck it and drove towards Vienna and eventually found a hotel outside of Jihlava (I think).


It was snowing fiercely when we started driving towards Vienna. About an hour from Vienna we got a call from the venue that we might not be able to play because the stage was too small and Florence and the Machine couldn’t move any of there gear for us (there was no space for that). So spending two days driving to Vienna we finally got to the venue anyway and checked things out for ourselves. Not that much space but we still got things sorted somehow on stage. I stood behind a harp, effects board and computer rig. Joppe was off in a corner. It was a great show though. Great reactions.


Pictures by Sely Friday 2009

Posted on October 21, 2009, by SF. Filed under blog