Learn Something New Everyday

Here’s a capture of our South African tour poster and flyer. The bottom picture was taken last week when Martijn, Otto, Tumi and myself visited the Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg. This is from the entrance which apparently Nelson Mandela himself had a hand in creating. Very impressive museum. The 2 hours we spent was far far to little. Need to go back someday. Voicst South African Tour Poster 2009Apartheid Museum entrance @ Johannesburg

Posted on August 18, 2009, by SF. Filed under blog

South African Tour

We are really excited to announce that from the 5th to 16th of August we will be touring South Africa for the first time in our career. Amongst numerous club shows we will also perform at South Africa’s largest festival, the OPPIKOPPI Festival.


05.08.2009 Durban, Burn
06.08.2009 Johannesburg, Tokyo Star (canceled)
07.08.2009 Johannesburg, Roxy
08.08.2009 Swartklip, Mamodimakwana Primary School
09.08.2009 Northam, Oppikoppi Festival
11.08.2009 Pretoria, Tings
12.08.2009 Johannesburg, Tanz Cafe
13.08.2009 Johannesburg, East Rand, Street Cafe
14.08.2009 Pretoria, Zeplins Rock Shack
15.08.2009 Johannesburg, Black Dahlia
16.08.2009 Johannesburg, Bohemian

Posted on June 10, 2009, by VOICST. Filed under news