
59:1 Club in Munich has a great stage that protrudes out into the venue so as a spectator you can actually watch bands from behind them almost. Anyway, the stage is also pretty damn small if there is already a full band’s backline including a huge harp and various other percussion instruments that have to remain where they are. We got ourselves fitted on to the stage after a long wait in the afternoon. We could only have vocals, piano and a sax go on the PA so it was old school rock and roll – with just the amps and drums blasting full out. Had a great show even though I could not move my feet 5 cm in any direction. Afterwards we packed up in the cold cold hallway outside – thankfully not out in the street because it was snowing. Didn’t stick around to long even though we had a day off the next day.

voicstmunich0915octPictures by Sely Friday 2009

Posted on October 21, 2009, by SF. Filed under blog

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